The Power of Ten: Part Two

We do not have to believe in reincarnation to benefit from this post or weblog. We only have to agree that present volitional actions have consequences in the future. What we call our past history was once the future that was caused by previous “present” volitional actions.


Prologue: Based on my weblog page called Actual face of karma,what would the life of someone who is the present (fictional) incarnation of Queen Tiye (mother of Akhenaten), Queen of Sparta (aka Helen of Troy), Queen Jezebel, Cleopatra, St. Teresa of Avila and Sigmund Freud actually look like? In other words, what is the fruition of the karma (past volitional actions) of this portrait gallery of six historical figures when certain causes and conditions meet and the seeds of their past virtuous and non virtuous action  ripen in the present? To try to answer this question, I use diary entries like the one below.

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I, Rainbow Desert Flower, enter this into my private diary on the 25th day of the month of November in the year 1975 CE. May it benefit all those who are trying to understand their own karmic package.

In Part One of this series, we see how our actions are tied to certain results.

Today, I will demonstrate this link between past actions and future consequences by reviewing some real-life examples that involve Freud, Cleopatra and Helen of Troy.

I, Rainbow Desert Flower, am always telling you that I’ve got first-hand experience that a real understanding of the laws of karma can substantially change our lives for the better. In fact, I created this weblog to share information and personal experience with others. Well, here’s some of that personal experience. I offer these examples from my own lifetimes to show the inevitable link between past actions and present consequences. May it be of benefit!

Freud’s theories were extremely controversial when he first presented them. I share the belief on the part of some that Freud lied about one of his theories, Oedipus complex — that in fact his research lead him to conclude that incest was far more prevalent than was hitherto thought.  But he knew that a theory around incest would be even more controversial than his other psychoanalytic theories. so he “tweaked” his theory and shifted the focus from the parent to the child! The result of this lie in his present lifetime? No one believes me even when “I” am right!

Mark Antony gave Queen Cleopatra whole countries in a gesture that is historically known as The Donations.  Berniece — Cleopatra’s sister who picked a husband without asking Rome and who grabbed the throne when her father, the Pharoah Ptolemy XII, was out of country in Rome — is strangled in a public event by the king her father. In this lifetime, Berniece is now my mother. The incarnation of Ptolemy is again my father and now also Berniece’s husband! The incarnation of Cleopatra’s brother, whom she cheated out of the throne of Egypt, is my son.

Helen of Troy (and Queen of Sparta) left her husband King Menalaus and ran off with Paris. In this lifetime, “Paris” is one of my university professors. It is love at first sight for both of us. We are married to others.  My spouse, an uncaring husband, is the incarnation of King Menalaus! I again run off with the Paris -turned-professor to the city of Paris! But because of my past sexual infidelity as Helen, the professor will not leave his wife to marry me in this present lifetime.

Queen Tiye murdered Tutankamun by putting poison on bottom of pages of books he liked to read. In this lifetime I was not allowed to suck my thumb as an infant; my mother put gloves put on hands. I experienced severe frustration.

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