Fabulous homes we didn’t know we had — for free!

(Prologue: I’ve got first-hand experience that a real understanding of the laws of karma can substantially change our lives for the better. I created this weblog to share information and personal experience with others. May it be of benefit!)

You have access to two homes that you can’t sell, take out mortgage on, trade, give away, change the structure of ….

What do these homes look like? What is their location? Actually, there’s no shortage of explanations, descriptions, analyses — both ancient and modern — of these homes. I’d like to share a description I read two days ago. For me, it’s moved into first place!

(The emphasis is mine.)

Scientific research reveals that the universe is a wonderful and mysterious place. Indeed, modern physicists sound more and more like ancient mystics as they describe its nature. The seeming vacuum of “empty space” is now portrayed as being filled with immense amounts of energy; our vast cosmos is viewed as profoundly interconnected in ways that transcend all apparent separation in space and time; despite its monumental size, our cosmos is thought to have emerged from an area smaller than a pinpoint; matter is no longer viewed as being “solid” but, instead, is thought to be composed of whirlwinds of energy that flow together with such precision that they give the appearance  of solidity…. <click here for source>

For me, the good news is that there is no separation between this fabulous universe and our own minds.

In short, our mind shares the same nature as the universe. And the universe shares the same nature as our mind. And they are both our homes.

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