Is sexual attraction a cosmic joke?

Readers do not have to believe in reincarnation to benefit from this post or weblog. We only have to agree that present actions have effects in the future. What we call our past history was once the future that was caused by previous “present” actions.



Prologue: We understand intellectually, conceptually, that karma is carried from one lifetime to another and from one situation to another in this present lifetime, much like a torch is passed from team membert to team member in a relay race. But how is that karma actually experienced “on the ground” in future lifetimes? Put another way, what happens when certain causes and conditions meet and certain karmic seeds ripen?

Based on my weblog page called Actual face of karma, what would the life of someone who is the present (question-mark-mystery-personfictional) incarnation of Queen Tiye (mother of Akhenaten), Queen of Sparta (aka Helen of Troy), Queen Jezebel, Cleopatra, St. Teresa of Avila and Sigmund Freud actually look like? In other words, what is the fruition of the karma of this Portrait Gallery of six historical figures in areas like money, sex, friendships, career, family etc.? To try to answer this question, I use diary entries like the one below.

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It’s a very hot summer evening in July 2001. My life partner and I are sitting on my back porch chatting. He is bitter about the role sex has played in his life. He got drawn into a marriage that was deeply unhappy. I tell him that I’ve come to the conclusion that sexual attraction seems to be some sort of a cosmic joke. But not in any cynical sense. Just as part of a “cosmic plan” for human beings. After all, Earth is the planet of desire. And it’s desire that propels us into relationships. And we need relationships in order to evolve, to “wake up.” It’s hard work. Most of us wouldn’t do the work if we weren’t seduced into it. This is where attraction generally and sex specifically comes into the picture.

Put another way, we are attracted to someone. We want a relationship. Maybe we want a family. We want happiness. We don’t want to be lonely. We want to feel desirable. Etc. etc. etc.

At some point we discover that there seems to be another purpose for relationships. Self-discovery. Self-examination. Self-awareness. It’s painful.

We might wonder how we got into this in the first place. Sexual attraction.

Example of how attraction draws people into situations where they have to work with karma produced in the past: I reminded my life partner about Marc Antony leaving his pregnant (4th) wife, Octavia, for Cleopatra. In this lifetime, his karma came due. It affected both of us. What was that karma? He met “Octavia.” Powerful sexual attraction. Marriage. Alot of suffering during that marriage. And I spent this lifetime without Marc Antony. At one point I was put in hospital because I was hemmoraghing and my blood count was down to 37.

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